Tuesday, November 28, 2017

For Susan

written by Marc Prudhon 
when he generously donated to the Lyle Dagnen scholarship fund on #GivingTuesday 2017

This small effort of mine will try to make all see.
How much Susan Brooks Fleming meant to me.
She succored me in my darkest time of strife.
When all I felt I wanted, was the ending of my life.
She was my sister, mother, daughter, my love, but not my lover.
I know not if words exist, to express how we were to one another.
When Shakespeare wrote those words, that "All the Worlds' a Stage'
Too many times to count, her script and mine were on the same page.
I lay no claim to even a tiny piece of her talent, her souls narration.
Time and time again, her words were what gave me inspiration.
With private messages, phone calls, in bright days and nights wee hours.
We would talk of Dragons, Gods, Goddesses, and other arcane powers.
No private thing was too hard to speak, no subject under this worlds sun.
Sharing together, hours on end, yet we never seemed to get done.
One would have to say goodbye for now, cut it short at last.
When her life or mine forced us to undertake some other task.
I say now, Susan, Sis, and your alter ego Lyle Dagnen.
Ride free thru all those other worlds, Upon your Black dragon.

Thursday, September 28, 2017